Ingeborg Kraft: Ancestry research 

My hobby became my profession: Ancestry research (genealogy).

Eiderstedt, the peninsula in the North Sea is my principal region. Each of the parishes are recorded chronologically. Presently I am working on the parishes Garding,Tönning, Katharinenheerd, Kating, Kotzenbüll, Norderfriedrichskoog, Oldenswort, Osterhever, Simonsberg, Tating, Tetenbüll, Vollerwiek, Welt, Westerhever, Witzwort and Uelvesbüll.

At the same time, families get combined, including their respective environment as far as I am able to find the combinations. My focus is on the Eiderstedt peninsula; besides that focus I include all upcoming Nordfriesland informations. The goal is to get complete family records.

At present my collection contains about 100,000 families from all over Eiderstedt and many, many individual data. Eiderstedt means the following spots:

 Garding  Norderfriedrichskoog  Tating  Welt
 Grothusenkoog  Oldenswort  Tetenbüll  Westerhever
 Katharinenheerd  Ording  Tönning  Witzwort
 Kating  Osterhever  Uelvesbüll  Simonsberg
 Koldenbüttel  Poppenbüll  Vollerwiek  
 Kotzenbüll  St. Peter    

Special attention is directed on emigrants.

There is a close cooperation with the Heimatbund Landschaft Eiderstedt, as well as with the Nordfriisk Institut in Bredstedt.

Whoever has his or her roots in Nordfriesland - Eiderstedt and wants to do some research: I am ready to give assistance. Maybe you plan a holiday trip to this region: this would be a very interesting alternative.

I. Kraft, Eiderstedter Straße 6, 25870 Oldenswort  